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Frequently Asked Questions

We have some of the most frequently asked questions below. If you don’t see an answer to your question, please feel free to contact us by chat, email, or phone. We will be very happy to take care of you.

How will we receive our results?

The results will be uploaded to a secure HIPPA website. You will receive an online login and password that you will have to log in and retrieve those results.

How long will it take to receive results?

Once we receive your sample we will have the result uploaded to our HIPPA friendly website within about 72 hours. You will be able to print/save or leave the results on the site.

What do we do if we need more kits?

You can checkmark the box on the order form that you need more kits or you can call/email/text us to let us know. We will get the kits right out to you via UPS at no charge!

How much is shipping cost?

FREE! We send the kits to you for free and we send you prepaid UPS 2nd Day air shipping labels to return the kits. You never pay for shipping charges.

Patient has questions about the report

Give us a call, we would be happy to support you in those questions that a patient might have. We will help you understand how to read the report.

What pathogens does the 11-microbes™ test test for?

Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, Porphyromonas gingivalis, Tannerella forsythia, Treponema Denticola, Prevotella intermedia, Parvimonas micra, Fusobacterium nucleatum, Eubacterium nodatum, Campylobacter rectus, Eikenella corrodens, Capnocythophaga sp.

What comes in a kit?

5 sterile paperpoints that you will place down into the deepest pockets, a vial that you will place the paperpoints into and an order form that you will fill out. Once the sample has been taken you will place everything back into the box, secure the lid and place it into the UPS pouch.

We don’t want to have an antibiotic threshold line on the result report.

No problem, let us know and we will leave it off for you!

Will UPS pickup our package?

If a driver comes to your office you can give it to them and they will happily take it at no charge. You can also drop it off at any provided UPS box or location. Our prepaid labels do not offer a call in and pick up service. Most offices see a driver daily.

Do we need to fill out the credit card info on order form every time?

No definitely not! Write the doctors credit card down 1x and we will keep it onfile. If a card number has changed you can either call us or make a note on an order form that you have a new card number and write it down and we will update our files.

What happens if we drop a paperpoint?

Each kit comes with 5 paperpoints.  We need at least 4 in each tube to process sample.  If you drop a paperpoint no problem we can sample 4  or, you can open a new kit and get more paperpoints.  We can always send extra paperpoints if needed.

What type of lab process is used for the 11-microbes™ test?

Our contracted lab is Access Genetics they preform a true-quantitative DNA-PCR process on our samples. Access Genetics is CLIA/CAP accredited.

What do we do if our email address changes?

Best thing would be to send us an email to let us know and we will update our files.

How does payment work?

We do our invoicing at the end of the month. We will tally up the samples that we were sent in for the month and make one charge to your card and email you a receipt. If you would rather pay by check no problem we can email you an invoice and you can send us a check.

Do you offer a UPS pouch bulking discount?

YES!! If you place 3 or more samples into the UPS pouch we will deduct $10 off EACH sample in the pouch. We love bulking because we save on the shipping cost so we get to pass those savings onto you! Just don’t hold the sample longer than 2 weeks. The lab requires that the sample be processed within 3 weeks of culture date.

Testing team members?

Want to test your entire team…great will we honor team members at a 50% off as long as they are all bulked together in a UPS pouch!